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Couple wins recent medical malpractice lawsuit


Last week, we wrote about how often patients receive a misdiagnosis. Now, one story illustrates how dangerous a failed or improper medical diagnosis can be. It also shows, however, the kinds of legal actions patients in New Jersey and beyond can take against negligent medical professionals.

A woman was taken to the emergency room five years ago with a severe headache. She began to have slurred speech and other troubling symptoms. However, after a CT scan was performed, a radiologist reading the scan determined the woman had no major problems or abnormalities to be concerned about.

Hours later, the woman was flown to another hospital when her condition became more serious. A second CT scan was performed, which showed the woman had suffered a stroke. The woman underwent brain surgery. Although she survived, she continues to undergo therapy and rehabilitation.

The woman and her husband filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the radiologist. According to the lawsuit, a neurologist read the first scan and determined that there were "significant abnormalities" that the radiologist missed.

Recently, the couple was awarded $5 million after a jury ruled in their favor. The jury found the radiologist solely responsible. The couple says they are happy with the outcome of the lawsuit.

A proper diagnosis is critically important. When patients do not receive an accurate diagnosis in a timely manner, they may be left with further injuries or complications. In some cases, a failed diagnosis can be fatal.

While nothing can change the past, patients who suffer harm as a result of a negligent medical professional can pursue compensation through a medical malpractice lawsuit. When doing so, victims would be wise to consult with our experienced Woodbridge medical malpractice attorney.
