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Can You Claim Compensation for a Hit-and-Run?

Ambulance Driving

Every driver fears getting into a hit-and-run accident caused by another reckless driver. Does being hurt by someone who then flees the scene mean you cannot get any compensation for your injuries, though? Not necessarily. With some planning ahead, you might actually be able to hold your own car insurance company accountable for your damages.

Getting Compensation from Your Own Insurer

You’ve been in a hit-and-run accident and need financial support for your damages. What do you do to get coverage from your own insurance company?

The first step is checking your insurance policy for any mention of UM/UIM coverage, which means uninsured motorist/underinsured motorist coverage. As mentioned, a hit-and-run driver is usually classified as an uninsured one, so your UM/UIM policy should cover your damages up to your own policy’s cap. With this in mind, we cannot stress enough how important it is to not only buy UM/UIM coverage but also make sure your UM/UIM limits match or equal your Bodily Injury Coverage.

Should You Be Worried About Uninsured Motorists?

You might understandably assume that you will not encounter many uninsured motorists whenever you drive since it is illegal to drive without adequate insurance coverage. However, studies from groups like the Insurance Research Council and the National Safety Council consistently report that about 13% of all motorists on American highways are uninsured. In other words, when you are stopped at a busy intersection, every one out of eight drivers there are uninsured.

For most people, the odds of being hit by an uninsured driver are just too high and UM/UIM insurance coverage becomes a must.

For more information about how to handle a hit-and-run accident claim, call (732) 709-4400 and connect with Palmisano & Goodman, P.A. in Woodbridge, New Jersey. We can hear your story, review your auto insurance policy, and help you decide how to proceed in pursuit of fair compensation.